The Link Between Chronic, Persistent Pain and Weight Gain

Dr. Bennett:                  Hello everyone. This is Dr. Susanne Bennett, best selling author of the Seven Day Allergy makeover in the talk show host of wounds for life on radio MD and I heart radio. Now, thanks so much for joining us today. I’m so honored to be interviewing our very own hosts of this awesome healing pain summit. Joe Tada. He is a doctor of physical therapy and a certified clinical nutritionist. His mission is to inspire and transform the health of 20 million people by the year of 2020 now he created his first-ever Healing Pain Summit so that we all can broaden the conversation around the best integrative strategies available to solve chronic diseases and persistent pain. He is the host of the health and wellness show on iTunes and blog talk radio and you can learn more about his passions by visiting his website, www dot Joe Tatta dot com Hey Joe, Dr. Joe.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Thank you, Dr. Susanne Bennett. Thanks for being here and you know for interviewing me this in this segment on the healing pain summit. I really appreciate it.

Dr. Bennett:                  Oh, I’m honored to be here for you now. Thanks so much for organizing this amazing first healing pain summit and all the work that you’ve been doing to gathering all the people together, the doctors, practitioners, me, of course. And, but I’d like to know what inspired you to create this wonderful and why did you do it

Dr. Joe Tatta:                first let me thank you for being on the summit as well. And Kevin watched Suzanne’s video. You really should check it out. And I want to thank all the practitioners just, you know, it’s my opportunity to thank every practitioner for their information, their participation, their, their energy, their vitality. Everyone’s been grim. I’m a so stay tuned, you’re gonna hear from some great people. But yeah, so the question is why, why did I put the summit together? Um, you know, as a physical therapist, there are always two questions on people’s mind when they come see me. The first one is always, I’m in pain. And what’s the fastest route to get out of pain? You know, pain is primal. It’s on your mind. It gets in the way of your job. It gets in the way of your physical activities. It gets in the way of your ability to make an income, just to enjoy life, to enjoy your relationships.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Um, so pain is just ever present. Um, you know, the second thing people ask is, well, how do I lose weight? Cause there’s that connection between pain and weight basically. Um, how can I get, you know, 10 pounds off me, 20 pounds, I have a wedding. Um, my knees are hurting, my back is hurting. So, you know, we know that inflammation and chronic disease is the root of almost every disease that we have today. So, you know, pain was really my entrance into making a big impact on the world and saying, this is something we need to kind of talk about. We need to broaden the scope. Um, we need to look at natural healing solutions. Um, you know, and not wait. So people really are kind of desperate and they’re relying on, you know, pharmaceuticals which are just bandaids or injections or, um, you know, worst case scenario surgery. So I want to get people to a place of healing before all those things happen. So that was really my inspiration for the summit.

Dr. Bennett:                  Well, I think that’s a great mission. I mean, obviously you want to help more people feel better fast in the most natural way. And I, you know, I saw, I saw a statistic that 50,000 people actually die from drugs every year from drug use. You know, and that’s not, that’s no way to go. Um, so talk to me about this new title that you have, this title that we’ve got for you, and it’s about the link between obesity and pay.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Yeah. So, you know, I think pain and obesity, you know, those two words, the obesity specifically is kind of the elephant in the room. Um, you know, we’ve done a lot of research, obviously some great, you know, physicians and PhDs have done research into pain, but there’s still no tests for chronic pain. There’s still no specific thing that we can really pinpoint. Um, and obesity is one thing that no one’s really talking about. Um, and we have the research, all the researchers there, there’s a great study in the journal that did, it was a phone survey. So they just called people on the phone, right? Simple. And they actually called a million people. Now you and I know about research cause we, you know, have done research projects ourselves as, as doctors. Most studies look at 20 people, 30 people, 50 people. But we have, when you have a million people, that’s a huge number.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                And they ask them two simple questions. They asked them, um, what their BMI was. We calculated that by getting their heightened weights, that’s really easy. And then they said to them, did you have pain today? And if yes, have you had pay with in the last year basically. And what they found was as people’s BMI starts to increase from 25 to 30 to 35 to 40 and over 40, that rates were not consistently. So the point of 100%. So when you got to the area of about 30th a BMI of 35, it was a hundred percent chance that you’re going to have some kind of painful syndrome. So we know that there’s a clear link to that and we have to kind of really identify it and you know, really start to kind of root that out basically.

Dr. Bennett:                  You know, you know, you’re so right. You don’t know which one comes first. I was at the pain or was it obesity, you know, the fact that you’re gaining weight, uh, it’s, what do you think, what do you think about that? Is, is there is definitely a link between the two?

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Yeah, it’s a great question. I think there’s definitely that side. You know, it’s really cyclical just pointing toward each other constantly from what I’ve seen in my practice. I mean, I’ve been practicing for 20 years and I’ve noticed obesity rates increase over those 20 years. So if you ask me in court, yeah, I would say obesity is the one thing that is increasing the pain in our nation. Um, and then we start proves it. I think, you know, the clinical, you also have clinicians can talk about that for a long time. The research proves it. So you know, with your help and with everyone’s help on the summit, we’re, you know, opening doors to people’s transition in their pathway toward, toward healing.

Dr. Bennett:                  Right, right. So what do you suggest for individuals who, who are overweight, let’s say they’re not even obese, let’s say they’re 1520 pounds overweight, what do you suggest so that they can start to minimize their pain syndromes?

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Yeah. You know, the 15 to 20 it’s really interesting because, cause that’s usually the number that people need to lose to feel better. So you just need to lose about somewhere between 10 and 20 pounds depending on what your weight is. But once you lose that, your pain levels consistently start to go down and you and I know that 10 pounds is not a lot of weight to lose. Everyone can do that. Right?

Dr. Bennett:                  Well, Joe, a lot of people have difficult, I know that it’s, it may seem like it’s not a lot, but people have difficulty losing that 10 pounds around the waist, around their back. It’s really, really interesting how it’s, it’s difficult for a lot.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                It’s true. But so let me give you some quick strategies that I have found in my practice and you can share with me yours what I have found. But just eliminating two things out of the diet, that weight starts to drop really rapidly. So the first one is sugar. So we know that sugar is very inflammatory. Um, it obviously increases your blood sugar, it spikes your insulin and it’s ripe for a proinflammatory. And we know that because diabetes is the classic case of high blood sugar and high inflammation. So sugar is first take the sugar out of your diet. You shouldn’t be adding sugar to things like your coffee and you know, cereal, you know, sweet things. Um, look at packages and see how much sugar is in them. You know, you’re going to find that there’s added sugars, anything with OST at the end of it, you know, dextrose, maltose, all those are sugars. They all need to, you know, come out of your diet basically. Mmm. The second thing really is gluten and gluten is very inflammatory and has a lot to do with your gut obviously. And people are going to talk about inflammation on the, on the summit, so I’m not going to get into it in depth, but just taking gluten out, so going, you know, non-green non gluten grains is a good way to start to bring down your inflammation, which will drop your weight. So those two,

Dr. Bennett:                  that’s perfect. That’s great. You know, I, it makes me remember, remind myself that when you’re trying to help with your blood sugar level, he’s talk about sugar. But people don’t realize that when you’re overweight, when you’re in pain, you don’t want to move. Right. And when you don’t want to move, you lose your muscle mass. But the muscle is what’s actually taking the sugar out of the bloodstream. You understand what I’m saying? And when you can enhance the amount of muscle you’ve got in your body, then you have the ability to reduce inflammation because you’re going to reduce the sugar level in your blood. And that’s, I think one of the best ways to prevent diabetes in a type two diabetes is to make, to maintain your muscle mass.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                It’s true. I mean, you know, it’s interesting. As I, as I’m doing this summit, I’m reading a lot online and I got an email that came through that said the FDA just put out a big warning on August 28th that certain diabetes medications are linked to muscle and joint pain. And the word they used was severe. So it’s very fascinating. Um, check that out. Just Google FDA, um, diabetes medications. So Metformin for instance is, you know, one of them, that’s one of the bigger diabetes medication. But in my mind, I think to myself, if we can get people moving more, they don’t need those medications, you turn on a natural kind of metabolic pump base, gets a burn off that sugar to burn off the extra calories, to release endorphins, to change your mood. You know, exercise is directly linked to less anxiety and less depression. So you don’t need to take SSRI antidepressants. You can just start moving. So there’s so many different pathways into this. Um, but you know, movement is obviously critical.

Dr. Bennett:                  Absolutely. I even think that it’s not just motion. If you even get someone actually even massaging your body, right? Massage, lymph treatment, you could even do that to yourself. I mean, as a physical therapist, do you also promote that?

Dr. Joe Tatta:                I do. And you know, I think it’s important to let, let’s first talk about the people who really need us. So the people who are in, you know, have chronic pain, they um, you know, have a difficult time getting around. They’re walking with a cane or a Walker. You know, you need to know that there’s help out there for you. You can go see a rehab professional. That could be a doctor. Physical therapy can be a doctor of chiropractic. There’s so many people that, you know, focus on rehab, but you know, go see them and develop a relationship with them. Start moving. And if you can’t leave your house, obviously people can come to you. Um, so exercise can start on a rehab level first. So start there. That’s phase one, obviously phase two. Then you start to do things like, you know, lift some weights, start strengthening twice a week, get on a good mobility program to focus on joints like your shoulders and your hips and your back that are very tight.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                You want to kind of focus on some mobility exercises twice a week. Later on, as you’re getting better, as you’re getting stronger, maybe you know, eight weeks, 12 weeks down the line, then you start to look at more high intensity exercise. So high intensity interval training, which burns sugar much faster than kind of cardiovascular training. So that’s kind of like a framework I think about in my mind when someone says exercise, it’s okay. Well obviously if you’re in pain, you know, physical therapy type exercises first, but if you’re not in your healthy, okay, we can maybe get you started on some more high intensity type exercises.

Dr. Bennett:                  Now if with individuals who’s obese or who’s overweight, who are already in pain, what kind of exercises do you suggest there?

Dr. Joe Tatta:                You know, it’s great. I mean what I say first is get moving three times a week. Do first what makes you happy and do exercise. This is not puts you back in pain. Obviously people start programs and they, you know, their, their intentions are well, they’re excited, they want to do things and they get into a gym and they started in a class let’s say, and it’s too intense. It’s too much. So twice a week, three times a week for 30 minutes is all you need to do. A walking program is a great way, a great place to start, but I really recommend something cardiovascular. So walking, let’s say pain free as well as something that will strengthen your muscles. So do lifting some basic weights. Something where you’re doing some kind of pushing, pulling, squatting, lifting. Don’t you have a low back pain program? I do. I have a, I have a whole program designed just around chronic back pain. It’s called the back pain breakthrough. People can go my website. They can download some free information about it, but it’s a great four week program that takes you through all the steps. Let’s take you from painful to powerful. And for me,

Dr. Bennett:                  painful too powerful. I love that. Four weeks is not long, Joe really isn’t, you know, so in your, and so you recommend there’s special kinds of foods to eat, make sure that you’re reducing the sugar, making sure that you’re eating a low inflammatory foods, you also recommend a different kinds of exercises. What else can you help us here today? Uh, we’re guarding obesity and inflammation. Paint a relationship.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                You know, I think that the food is a big one. Obviously the types of food is really important. So to get started, the first thing people can do is I can go to my website and on my homepage is a healing foods checklist and shopping guide. So they can download that free on my homepage, [inaudible] dot com. Um, just giving people some more, you know, solid strategies around food is first look at your plate. Um, I want half of your plate to be green, leafy vegetables of any kind. I want that, you know, 50%. You’re going to get your phytochemicals from there. You’re going to get, um, lots of healing things that you’re gonna get. Basically your, um, your fiber. Now, fiber takes away harmful chemicals out of your body. A lot of people don’t, don’t kind of make that correlation between, um, harmful things in their body.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                How does it get out of there? So, you know, exercise and sweating is one way, but fiber takes harmful chemicals out of your body. Um, the second thing is protein. Now when you’re healing and you’re doing exercise and you’re getting better, protein is very important. So I want 25% of your plate to be protein and it’s gotta be a good quality rest, fed protein and miserable. Three reasons for that. First is vitamin D, it’s higher in vitamin a, vitamin able prevent free radicals. So we know that’s a free radical scavenger. The second is it’s higher in Omega threes. So the Omega three acid content in free range beef and organic is much higher versus kind of the factory farm beef that you get. Um, and the last is CLA or which is conjugated linoleic acid, which helps you maintain your lean muscle mass. So you want those things in your diet as you’re starting to feel better and rehabilitate.

Dr. Bennett:                  No, those are great. Great tips here. Gosh, what are you doing these days? What else besides this amazing summit, what else did we do you like to share with your wonderful participants here?

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Well, the summit has been great. You know, it is a, you know, a dream of mine and we’re going to reach about 20,000 people with this summit, which is going to be fantastic. And it’s been, the response has been so huge that I’ve been asked to do a heli paint summit 2.0 so that’s on the list. Um, I have a program coming out January 1st, which will be a metabolic makeover, so it will help you lose weight and look, look good. And then I have a book coming out in October of 2016 so stay tuned for that.

Dr. Bennett:                  Oh my God, fuck Joe. I’m so excited for you. Lots of good things going on. Great. Lots of great things for you. This Summit’s been amazing. Thanks so much. You know, everyone go to for more information, all of this free downloads and more information about your, if you have low back pain, you can get the program that he’s got and again, come back. Oh cause we’ve got so many more. Um, and replays, I’m sure you’re going to be able to listen to all of the replays and um, really appreciate it. Joe. I’m honored that I’m here to interview you and be able to share your, your vision and your mission for everyone. Thank you, Dr. Suzanne Bennett. Thanks for being here. We will see you in the next video. Thank you.

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